Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FreeBSD beginner you must know something

You must know something
3.01 - What is shell?
3.02 - What is the user level? (Root, user, super-user)
3.03 - How do I know my current login as root or user?
3.04 - What is the access permission?
3.05 - What is the group
3.06 - FreeBSD will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters?
3.07 - How do I enter the command and its parameters?
3.08 - What''s a directory tree?
3.09 - These are the hidden files you? (. File)
3.10 - I can find that information on each command?
3.11 - these symbols mean? (*? ~. ..)
4.01 - I can turn off a computer?
4.02 - Recyle bin in it?
4.03 - Why can not use my password?
4.04 - I can user the operation?
First step
5.01 - What I can log in?
5.02 - How do I offline? (Exit)
+5.03 - How do I stop the computer? (Shutdown-h now)
+5.04 - How do I restart the computer? (Shutdown-r now)
5.05 - How do I stop the system single-user mode? (Shutdown now)
5.06 - How do I switch terminals? (ALT-F *)
6.01 - How do I read the manual page? (Man)
User Management (1)
7.01 - How do I add a user? (Adduser)
+7.02 - How do I remove users? (Rmuser)
+7.03 - How do I change my password? (Passwd)
"Su" command
8.01 - How do I "su" to root account? (Su)
8.02 - How do I "su" to other user accounts? (Su username)
4 observations
+9.01 - I was there? (Pwd)
+9.02 - How do I observe the directory of what?? (Ls)
+9.03 - How do I see a point to start the hidden files? (Ls-a)
+9.04 - How can I see more information (access permission, owner, group, size, date)? (Ls-l)
+9.05 - How do I see those files, what? (Ls-F)
9.06 - What are these files: ".." and "."? (Ls-aF)
Move around
+10.01 - How do I change the working directory? (Cd)
10.02 - How to return to the parent directory? (Cd ..)
10.03 - How do I return to my working directory? (Cd, cd ~ /)
Screen Control
11.01 - How do I rollback (in the terminal, the non-X)? (The Scroll Lock Key)
11.02 - How do I clear the screen? (Clear)
12.01 - How do I do not use text editors can see a small file? (More)
12.02 - the most common instrument editor is? (Vi)
12.03 - "vi" seems a bit difficult, I can from the "ee" to start?
"Easy" Editor
13.01 - you can tell us about the "ee" it?
+13.02 - Can show what "ee" of the screen?
"Visual" editor
14.01 - learn "vi" the most effective way why? (Vilearn)
14.02 - I can be "vi" of the man page to start?
14.03 - "vi" How does it work? (Man vi)
+14.04 - What is the storage of that life? (: W)
+14.05 - What is to leave instructions? (: Q)
+14.06 - What is the order of storage and leave? (: Wq)
+14.07 - How to leave without using stored instructions? (: Q!)
+14.08 - How do I move? (H, j, k, and l)
+14.09 - Esc key to what purpose? (The Esc Key)
+14.10 - How do I add a new language? (A and i)
+14.11 - How do I create a new line? (O and O)
+14.12 - How do I delete text? (X and dd)
+14.13 - How do I copy article content? (Yy and p)
14.14 - How do I replace the article? (R)
14.15 - How do I use a few commands? (NCommand)
+14.16 - How do I search for articles? (/ Text)
+14.17 - I can see summary of it?
* 14.18 - How do I start "vi" to read-only mode? (View)
User Management (2)
+15.01 - How do I add a user to a group? (Vi / etc / group)
Computer and Information
+16.01 - How can I view the boot log file? (Dmesg)
16.02 - what can I view the boot log file and slowly you? (Dmesg | more)
+17.01 - Show who is on the system? (Who)
+17.02 - What they are doing?? (W)
+17.03 - "W" can show you all of the processing? (W)
+18.01 - How do I display or set the date and time? (Date)
+18.02 - How do I display calendar? (Cal)
18.03 - what way I can slowly watch the calendar you? (Cal | more)
+19.01 - How do I show (or not) other users sent messages? (Mesg y, mesg n)
19.02 - How do I send a message to the user's screen? (Write)
+19.03 - How do I send messages to each individual screen? (Wall)
19.04 - How do I talk with others (chat)? (Talk)
File Management
20.01 - What are the restrictions on file names?
+20.02 - How do I create an empty file? (Touch)
+20.03 - How do I delete files? (Rm)
+20.04 - How do I create a directory? (Mkdir)
+20.05 - How do I remove an empty directory? (Rmdir)
+20.06 - How do I remove a directory including all the things inside (including subdirectories)? (Rm-r)
+20.07 - How do I remove the "-" beginning of the file? (Rm --filename)
+20.08 - How do I copy files? (Cp)
+20.09 - How do I copy the whole directory, including all its contents? (Cp-R)
20.10 - How do I move files and directories? (Mv)
+20.11 - How do I change the file / directory name? (Mv)
20.12 - How do I implement rm, cp and mv, need my permission? (-I)
+20.13 - I how to do rm, cp and mv, do not need my confirmation? (-F)
File links
+21.01 - How do I link a file or directory? (Ln-s)
21.02 - How do I hard link a file? (Ln)
File ownership / access permission
22.01 - How do I observe who the file owner? (Ls-l)
22.02 - Access permission to a file work?
22.03 - Access permission to operate in the directory?
22.04 - How do I observe the file / directory access permission? (Ls-l)
22.05 - How do I change the file / directory of the user owner? (Chown)
22.06 - How do I change the file / directory group owner? S group owner? (Chgrp)
22.07 - How do I change the file / directory of the user and group owner? (Chown user: group)
22.08 - How do I change the access permission? (Chmod)
22.09 - if I have this directory, I could not modify my files? (Yes)
Floppy disk drive unit
23.01 - I gave birth to a floppy disk drive can access it?
23.02 - there is ?
23.03 - How do I hang my floppy disk? (Mount)
23.04 - How can I mount MS-DOS format floppy disk drive? (Mount-t msdos)
23.05 - How do I remove my floppy disk? (Umount)
00.00 - How do I start the application? (. /)
00.00 - How do I start from the file name to the application? (PATH)
00.00 - How do I start the application in the background? (&)
00.00 - How do I know my PATH 鏄? (Echo $ PATH)
00.00 - all applications in that? (The FreeBSD Ports Collection)
00.00 - How do I install a port? (Make install clean)
00.00 - there edited the binary file? (The FreeBSD Packages Collection)
00.00 - How do I remove applications? (Pkg_delete)
User environment
00.00 - user profile files in it? (Vi ~ /. Profile)
00.00 - How do I change my shell? (Chsh)
Process management
00.00 - How do I list processing? (Ps)
00.00 - How do I find out treatment? (Ps-waux | grep "name of the process")
00.00 - How do I cut the deal? (Kill)
Disk Management
00.00 - A byte with a few bit? (So ...)?
00.00 - How do I check the available disk space? (Df)
00.00 - How do I check how much each directory with the disk space? (Du)
00.00 - where the computer? (Bc)


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